
Erik (co-supervised with Prof. Mariusz Klobukowski) presents the results of his research internship both as a 3-minute-Thesis and a poster and University of Alberta International research day for visiting interns. More than 50 interns from 14 countries!


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August 28th, 2019

Kwami and Maryna present posters at the Chemistry and Physics Undergraduate Summer Research Poster session

Kwami and Maryna present the results of their summer research at the Chemistry and Physics Undergraduate Summer Research Poster session.

August 28th, 2019

Maria attends and presents at CHITEL/QUITEL

Maria attends and present a talk on QM/MM approaches for studying two-photon absorption in fluorescent proteins at the CHITEL/QUITEL conference in […]

August 20th, 2019

Group says goodbye to Megan, who also presents her poster at the WISEST wrap-up

The group (plus Pablo) says goodbye to Grade 11 student Megan, who joined the group for six weeks this summer […]

August 20th, 2019

Maria attends two-photon absorption workshop in Montana.

Maria attends and presents a 45-minute talks about the group’s work on multi-photon absorption in fluorescent proteins at a workshop […]

August 20th, 2019

Antoine attends the “Quantum Control of Light and Matter” GRS and GRC

Antoine attends and presents a poster at the Gordon-Kenan Research Seminar and Gordon Research Conference August 10-11 and August 11-16, […]

August 19th, 2019

Congratulations to Shyam on receiving a Gunning RA award

Shyam receives a Gunning Research Assistantship award for the 2019-2020 academic year. The award is equivalent to one-term of teaching […]

July 26th, 2019

Congratulations to Zhibo on a successful MSc defence

Congratulations to Zhibo for successfully defending his MSc thesis “Software Development for Integrating Molpro with Newton-X for Adiabatic and Nonadiabatic […]

July 22nd, 2019

Group photo and personnel updated for Summer 2019

After finally getting a sunny day, the group took some time to update the group photo and all the individual […]

July 19th, 2019

Theory group potluck!

Members of the the Brown and Hanna groups enjoying tasty food at a potluck lunch. Reason for celebrating – summer!

July 5th, 2019

Group’s entry in @UofAWiC’s door decoration contest for #LGBTSTEMDay #LGBTQSTEMDay

The theoretical and computational chemistry group’s entry into @UofAWiC’s door decoration contest fo #LGBTSTEMDay. Thanks all for your hard work putting […]