
Alex co-organizes with Marcel Nooijen (Waterloo), Piotr Piecuch (Michigan State University), Dennis Salahub  (Calgary), and Ajit Thakkar (UNB) a symposium “Advances in Electronic Structure Theory: A Symposium in Honour of Joe Paldus’ at the Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition (CSC 2024) in Winnipeg, MB, Canada.

Photo of organizers (L-R), Alex, Dennis, Piotr, Marcel, and Rod Bartlett (University of Florida)

  Category: Conferences

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June 5th, 2024

Alex co-organized a symposium at the CSC

Alex co-organizes with Marcel Nooijen (Waterloo), Piotr Piecuch (Michigan State University), Dennis Salahub  (Calgary), and Ajit Thakkar (UNB) a symposium […]

June 5th, 2024

Ismael presents a talk at the CSC

Ismael presents a talk “Beyond Explored Functionals: A Computational Journey of Two-Photon Absorption” at the Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition […]

April 17th, 2023

Group attends TESD 2023 in Jasper, AB

The majority of the group attends and presents at the 8th Annual Symposium on Theoretical and Experimental Spectroscopy and Dynamics […]

February 24th, 2023

Alex attends and presents at APATCC in Quy Nhon, Vietnam

Alex presents an invited talk at the 10th edition of the conference of the Asia Pacific Association of Theoretical and […]

July 9th, 2022

Congratulations to Arturo on receiving travel awards to attend CSTCC and WATOC

Arturo received a Graduate Students’ Association Academic Travel Grant to attend and present at the Canadian Symposium on Theoretical and […]

July 8th, 2022

Congratulations to Ismael on receiving travels awards to attend CCCE and WATOC

Ismael received a  Chemistry Department Travel Award to attend and present at CCCE 2022, June 13-17 in Calgary, AB . […]

July 8th, 2022

The group attends WATOC in Vancouver

The vats majority of the group (Alex, Arturo, Christopher, Ismael, Minh, Nathanael, Shyam, and Ryan!) attend the 12th Triennial Congress […]

July 3rd, 2022

Congratulations to Shyam on receiving a travel award to attend WATOC

Congratulations ot Shyam for receiving a J. Gordin Kaplan Graduate Student Award to subsidize his attendance at WATOC in Vancouver, BC.

July 3rd, 2022

Congratulations to Nathanael on receiving a travel award to attend WATOC

Nathanael receives a Mary Louise Imrie Graduate Student Award to support his travel and attendance at WATOC in Vancouver, BC […]

July 1st, 2022

Alex, Arturo, Nathanael, and Shyam head to CSTCC 2022 in Kelowna!

Alex, Arturo, Nathanael, and Shyam road trip from Edmonton to Kelowna to attend and present at CSTCC 2022 in beautiful […]