
Ryan is a recipient of the Marshall Syska Chemistry Graduate Scholarship. “Awarded to a student enrolled in either the PhD or Provisional PhD program who demonstrates superior academic achievement (equivalent to a grade point average of 3.5) in a minimum of four graduate level courses. Evidence of research productivity through publications or conference presentations, either submitted, in press or published will be weighed in addition to grade point.  Applicants must also demonstrate a superior teaching record and/or a strong interest in teaching. Examples of this include attaining a rating of Excellent in the majority of courses taught, or receiving a GSA or GSTA award, or achieving Level 2 in the Graduate Teaching and Learning Program.” Congratulations to Ryan!


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July 4th, 2024

Erik presents at the UAI Research Day

Erik (co-supervised with Prof. Mariusz Klobukowski) presents the results of his research internship both as a 3-minute-Thesis and a poster […]

July 3rd, 2024

Mack successfully defends his MSc

Congratulations to Mack (co-supervised with Prof. Mariusz Klobukowski) on the successful defence of his MSc! After finalizing the second paper […]

June 17th, 2024

Mack’s first first author paper accepted into JPCA

Mack’s first first author paper (in collaboration with Prof. Mariusz Klobukowski) is accepted for publication in J. Phys. Chem. A. […]

June 17th, 2024

Clara joins the group as a UARE intern

The group welcomes Clara Faraday-Smith (from Leeds University, UK) as a University of Alberta Research Experience (UARE) for the next […]

June 12th, 2024

Nathanael and Ian’s paper is accepted into JCC

Congratulations to Nathanael and Ian whose paper “A Variant on the CREST iMTD Algorithm for Non-Covalent Clusters of Flexible Molecules” […]

June 5th, 2024

Alex co-organized a symposium at the CSC

Alex co-organizes with Marcel Nooijen (Waterloo), Piotr Piecuch (Michigan State University), Dennis Salahub  (Calgary), and Ajit Thakkar (UNB) a symposium […]

June 5th, 2024

Ismael presents a talk at the CSC

Ismael presents a talk “Beyond Explored Functionals: A Computational Journey of Two-Photon Absorption” at the Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition […]

May 9th, 2024

Congratulations to Minh on passing his Candidacy Exam.

Minh does an excellent job during his PhD candidacy exam. From UofA guidelines “The candidacy examination determines whether the student […]

May 1st, 2024

Glorious joints the group as an NSERC-USRA student.

Glorious Chieme, who worked in the group as part of CHEM 299 from Sept.-April, has joined the group for the […]

April 29th, 2024

Congratulations to Mack for receiving a FGPS Graduate Student Teaching Award

Congratulations to Mack for receiving a GSTA recognizing his excellent work TAing in CHEM 10X, i.e, first year chemistry. “The […]